The Members:
Christopher Hutchinson, MFA
This work explores resolving the separation lines between nationalities, States, zip code even shades of skin that are promoted from childhood. These resolutions can be seen in the inventiveness of children. Children use what is available with the focus on the specificity of its use rather than the price paid for the item. There is pure joy that happens from a tire race, paper boat race and the flight of paper airplanes, this collective joy unites a community.
SSA Founder, Conceptual Artist, Professor, Critic and Archetype Gallery Owner
Eric Mason, MFA
This body of work, titled “A LostForm of Communication,” freezes a moment of our immediate past, a moment of relevance before the onslaught of this so-called microwave age. The work does more than foster a conversation, memory or awareness. It gives lasting meaning to a passing icon of human communication.
SSA Founder
Carina Maye
My work is interested in theunrecognized student forced to participate in the American educational system. Thecurrent version of this passé system continues to afflict minorities in ways thatcannot be fixed with existing ritual. Students are withheld their right tochoose, and are in fact voiceless in their matriculation. This body of workexamines the contentions minorities face in education and its link between thelarger concerns of defect. “The Seat of the Troubled” Series addresses thesystemic failure which reduces students for capital gains.
Julio Mejia
My work is interested in the willful contrast of paint, which mirrors the narrative of an exemplar inherited lineage. This lineage of unconventional risk-takers reflects the uncomfortable uncertain outcome of each painting. These paintings are uneasy gambles of a romantic life. The directional effort of paint unveils the visceral tension of beauty found in the forces of nature.